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Bible Quiz

The following Bible-based quiz high-lights the basics of living a life free of anxiety and depression. Doing the study several times will allow the Holy Spirit to give you a personal revelation of how these truths pertain to your own life. If you have not come to us for personalized coaching, following the completion of this quiz, you will be better ready to receive the help we provide.

1. According to John 1:1, before anything else existed, what was first?

2. According to John 1:14, what is Jesus?

3. According to John 10:10, who are the two individuals referred to here?

4. According to Job chapter 1, who caused the problems in Jobs life?

4a. According Job 3:25,26, what does the Bible suggest may have been the cause of Job's calamity?

4b. How does this affect a persons feelings?

5. According to 1 Peter 5:8, what does God tell us to watch out for? What is being done?

6. According to John 8:44, some people's father is...?

6a. What does he speak? What is the opposite of that?

7. According to Matthew 7:1,2, Luke 6:37, and Mark 11:25, what does Jesus tell us not to do?

8. According to Matthew 6:14,15 and Mark 11:26, what happens if we do this?

9. According to Hosea 4:6, why do people lose out in life?

9a. Fill in the blank letters to the following well known phrase. "Kn_ _ _ _ _ _ _ is p_ _ _ _."

10. According to John 8:32, what do people have to know before the chains of darkness drop off?

11. According to the first half of Romans 12:2, what does God expect us to do?

12. According to II Corinthians 10:5 and Joshua 1:8, who is doing the work?

13. According to 1 Timothy 6:12, what type of engagement are we in?

13a. According to Romans 8:37, what is our position in this engagement?

14. According to Ephesians 5:25,26, in and through what are we cleansed?

15. According to Galatians 5:22,23, what are the character qualities of a spiritual person?

16. According to Philippians 4:8, what should we think about?

16a. What percentage of your day do you think that?

16b. Do you believe thinking like that is something you do on your own, or is it something that God supernaturally imparts to a person?

17. According to Psalms 22:3, what action brings down the presense of God? And does it apply to everyone, or just special people?

18. According to Hebrews Chapter 11, what does God regard highly in a persons life?

18a According to Romans 10:17 how does a person obtain this? Does this apply to everyone or just special people?

19. According to Mark 6:1-6, what did Jesus marvel at?

20. According to Mark 9:23, to whom are all things possible?

21 According to Matthew 8:13 & Matthew 9:29, what is it that brings us our desired results?

22. What verse is common in both Psalm 1 and Joshua Chapter 1? (Need a Hint?: The two similar verses are found in the first half of their respective chapters.)

23. What is the over-riding theme in Psalm 150?

24. According to Ecclesiastes 4:12, what is not easily broken? Looking at Ecclesiastes 4:9, what is it referring to? How do you think this applies to you in your recovery?

25. According to Mark 4:3-8, what kind of soils did the seed fall on?

25a.What do you think Jesus was referring to in this parable?

25b. According to Mark 4:9-20, how did Jesus relate each of the four different soils?

25c. How do you think this parable applies to a person in recovery?

25d. When we show you the principles of God's Word:

25e. Will you be like the hard soil, and immediately allow Satan to convince you that our advice is not applicable?

25f. Will you be like the rocky soil where you immediately receive our counsel, but after applying it for a day or two you become convinced it won't work in your life?

25g. Will you be like the soil that is surrounded by thorns, where you accept our advice, so that it works, but then you allow yourself to use your new found freedom to become overly involved in things that are not important and thus cause yourself unnecessary grief and anxiety?

25h. Or, will you be like the good ground that Jesus talked about, where you take the advice we give you, apply it to your life until you have absolute perfect peace and power in every situation that comes up in your life, and are even able to help others come out of their problems as well?

25j. Obtaining your goal of perfect peace will require time spent reading and speaking God's Word. It will also require time spent listening to teaching tapes and sermons throughout the week, as well as time spent speaking to people who will mentor you. Are you prepared to adjust your life's schedule in order to fit in these new priorities?

25k. List what changes you are willing to make in order to make this change a reality in your life: