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Self-Consciousness vs. Self-Awareness

Self-consciousness is often the result of past hurt causing anxiety. For some reason the person doesn't feel they measure up. Their focus, unlike most other peoples which is outward, has been turned inward. Everybody else lives their lives almost unconsciously, and with ease, but for the person who struggles with inferiority it isn't that way. Everything in their lives revolves around them because that is where their focus is. To stop this destructive pattern of living a person needs to identify the reasons why their focus is on themselves. Once the reasons are exposed, they can then work at resolving those reasons so that they can once again turn their focus outward and live a more stress-free automatic lifestyle. To do this, however, will require that a person breaks old destructive habits of believing and replace them with healthy ways of believing. That is where self-awareness come in. A person needs to develop a heightened self-awareness of what they are doing so they can catch themselves whenever they begin to drift to destructive ways of thinking and acting, and then consciously choose healthy ways. By doing this they will no longer be in the control of automatic negative impulses that have carved their way into that persons way of living. The person begins now to take control of their own reactions to life and starts to consciously think and act in ways that bring freedom. Over time these new reactions become habits and will no longer need to be consciously done because they become automatic. In this way life becomes easy and enjoyable once again.

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