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Whether It Feels Like It Or Not...
(Sept. 10, 2005)

- Life is a gift (a truly awesome gift.)

- God is good (and the devil is bad.)

- God wants you happy, healthy and successful (and the devil wants to 'steal, kill and destroy you'.)

- You have the ability to become happy (just like you have the ability to stay ill.)

- The hardships in your life, now, and in the past, are your assets (not your liabilities).

- The 'sting' of your negative experiences can be removed (completely removed).

- Your mistakes don't matter (God can work around them.)

- God is no respecter of persons, (believe He will do for you what He has done for others.)

- Dreams do come true (so begin dreaming again.)

- Others will benefit from your story of hardship and recovery (nothing is ever wasted, with God.)

I hope these words inspire you to pursue your emotional healing. Life is way too short to spend time in depression or anxiety. By an act of your will, your best days can be ahead. Make the choice today to get well, and you will.

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