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Helpful Resources

Dear Friend, there is an old adage that says, "Knowledge is Power". And never is this quote more true than in the area of emotional health. Indeed, our anxious thoughts are a result of lack of knowledge of principles that we are not applying to our problem situations, and this truth is proven scripturally in Hosea 4:6 where it says, "My people are perishing for lack of knowledge." That is why I rent teaching tapes. The more knowledge you have, the greater your ability to conquer the problems in your life. While there is no single person or organization that has all the answers, we can recommend some reading material that can help you along in your journey to wholeness. Consider obtaining a copy of the following products:

The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. This book is sweeping the Christian community like no other in a very long time. This book can be purchased at any Christian bookstore, and quite possibly at a local book store.

From Faith To Faith by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland - This hard cover book is in a daily devotional format and is perfect for those daily pep talks that we all need. To obtain your own copy go to .

Faith's Greatest Enemies by Dr. Frederick K.C. Price - This is a small inexpensive paper back, but it highlights 4 of the main hindrances to living by faith as the scriptures admonish us to do. To obtain your own copy go to . Another good book, by Dr. Price, to increase your knowledge of the Christian faith is his devotional and prayer journal, Growing In God's Word.

How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie - There are many books like this one, but this was the first and perhaps still the best in learning how to get along with people. You can buy this book at any local book store or you can borrow it from the public library.

Some other good books to consider reading are The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis, and Prison To Praise by Merlin Carothers (17 Million in print). These can be bought at your local Christian bookstore.

Finally, it goes without saying that a copy of the Bible is also a helpful resource. There are many translations to choose from. Most churches these days use the New International Version (NIV), but there are other popular versions, such as the Living Bible, New King James Version, The Message Bible, to name a few. For scripture memorization, I would go with the NIV.

The Book of Proverbs is a great book in the Bible for gleaning practical knowledge in living life. I invite you to join me each day in part of my devotional time as I read one chapter of Proverbs. There are 31 chapters in Proverbs, one for each day of the month. This simple act alone will help you immensely in your growth as a Christian and as a person.

A great website that focuses on Faith is . CFaith has tremendous online resources for you to draw on to develop your faith. Check them out today!

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