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Hindrances To Being Helped

The following are hindrances to receiving help in the area of emotional well-being.

1) Too much education - Some people who have attended college or university can become stubborn when it comes to learning new ideas and concepts and so their pride prevents them from learning the truth. This especially true in cases where they have had education in the area of psychology. If the concepts we teach do not mesh with their educational background, they tend to reject it.

2) Knowing only part of the truth - This is by far the biggest stumbling block for those who have been raised in a church. Because most churches only teach part of the truth, when a person is presented with the full truth, they often reject it. Knowing a 'half truth' can be worse than having no truth.

3) The reluctance to putting forth the effort - Depending on how low a person has allowed themselves to sink in their depression or anxiety, will determine the effort it will take to get well. Consciously redirecting our thoughts to what is true and helpful can be difficult at first, and time consuming. However, once a persons beliefs are changed, the positive thinking comes about naturally.

4) Pride and shame - Sometimes when a person is told they should adopt a spiritual component in their lifestyle in order to get well emotionally, they resist because of what family or friends may say or think about them getting involved in a church group. They feel that going to God for help is a sign of weakness. The pain of putting up a false front needs to exceed the suspected shame they may feel when their friends find out they are seeking help for their emotions.

5) Fear of having to live a 'boring, religious life' - Some people have the idea that making a decision to live by God's principles will lead them to a boring, unfulfilled life. Nothing is further from the truth. Once you become well emotionally, you become a conduit for others to receive the help they need, and nothing beats the satisfaction in seeing others become free so they too can enjoy life free from fear, anxiety and depression.


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