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10 Reasons To Feel Good About Feeling Bad

Feelings are like a fuel gauge on your car. When the needle reads 'E', you know you are low on fuel. Similarly, if your feelings are low, you know your thinking and believing is incorrect. But, is feeling bad completely negative? Not in the least. May you find some comfort in the statements below as they relate positively to feeling negative.

1) Once you are back on your feet, you can offer encouragement and help to others who are down.
    In giving toward others in their hour of need, you will be blessed yourself in some way.

2) Going through difficult times causes you to become empathetic toward others, and thus highly
    esteemed in their sight.

3) After going through difficult times, you learn something about yourself that can help you in the

4) Often while going through difficult times, you come to a place where you really need God, and by
    searching for the answers (without giving up), you find them, as well as a renewed faith in God.

5) In going through difficult times, you come to realize the importance of other people in your life,
    and you find those you can lean on, during your times of hardship.

6) After going through difficult times, you better appreciate the times when you are once again
    happy and confident.

7) In going through difficult times, you find out what you are really made of.

8) After having gone through difficult times and overcoming them, you have the satisfaction of being
    able to know that you had it rough, but you were able to rise above the situation.

9) During difficult times, you take stock of your life, and see if there are things you realize you really
    shouldn't be doing, or you realize some things you are not doing, that you should consider doing.

10) Most people just live with their anxiety and manage it enough themselves so it doesn't affect
      them too much. Once you examine why anxiety started in your life, and you deal with it head
      on, and conquer it, you will be able to enjoy a life of maximum freedom and potential.

In the third chapter of the Book of Ecclesiastes it says, There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: ...a time to weep and a time to laugh... May your time of laughing come around soon. If you need help in seeing happiness come to you, just email us.

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