Change your life Today.

Begin the Healing

Dear friend,

You have chosen to become healed in your emotions. The way I help people is by teaching them the truths taught in the Bible, as they apply to their own particular situation. But for this process to be done in a timely fashion, I recommend you find yourself a good local church that teaches the principles of faith as I teach them. That way you are more certain that what I teach is true and will effect your life in the way you want it to. Fortunately, the faith message has been around now for over 50 years and there should be one or two churches near you that teach it in its entirety. To learn what to look for in a good local church, go to our church search webpage.

Another reason to be connected to a good church is for support. A good church will have mentors ready for you to become friends with, who will take the time it takes each day to show you how God's principles can change your life. If you have never been exposed to the faith message before, you have two monumental tasks on your hands, one being, to get well in your emotions, the other, to learn the principles of Bible faith. Had you known the principles of Bible faith you would not be in the depression you now find yourself. You see, faith is God's weapon against fear, anxiety and depression. Develop a good working knowledge of faith, and God's peace will envelope you, and you'll never have a down day in your life again. So, you have a lot on your plate and you'll need support.

Another reason to be connected to a good church is for prayer. When a difficult situation comes up in your life, it is good to know that there are trained individuals on hand who make it their focus to pray for your needs. Prayer is somewhat of an art. It can be learned, but there are certain individuals whose callings are centered around prayer, and a good church will help its members know if they have a calling from God to pray, and then show them biblical guidelines for effective prayer.

The final reason to belong to a good local assembly is because it is God's will. He is a God of structure, a God of order, and He knows that, the most work is accomplished when people work together, each doing his or her own work as they feel led by the Holy Spirit, and as is needed to be done to keep the work of the church ongoing.

My job in all of this is to be a sort-of 'middle-man'. I will be in contact with you daily, or every other day to oversee your recovery. I will answer your questions as best I can and help you make sense of everything when things seem a little strange or difficult. Between myself and your new church, you should see a notable change in your life in a matter of days. Will that mean you will be steadily feeling better and better as the days go on? Not necessarily, you see, the reason you feel bad is because you have 'buttons' or 'triggers'. When something happens in your life that pushes one of your buttons, your mind and body will go into 'auto mode', and you will have very little control of your thoughts, feelings and actions at first until we identify what your buttons are. Once we do, we can talk about it and show you how to disarm those buttons so they are rendered useless when life tries to push them again. That's why recovery is always 'two steps forward, one step back'. You likely will feel bad again, but this time you will have a support system and the knowledge that you are actively working on your recovery with strong purpose and the latest knowledge in biblical truths and techniques that empower you to live an overcoming lifestyle.

I trust this is making sense to you and that you will consider God and His ways to resolve your emotional troubles, (and any other troubles for that matter). God is all about giving you an enjoyable life, and life that is abundant, and attractive. He knows that if you are enjoying your life, others will observe you and possibly ask you why you are doing so well. Then, through you, He will have an opportunity to help them in their lives. And that is the greatest feeling, being able to help others.

I look forward to getting to know you. To contact me click here.

God's peace to you and yours,


PS. Below is a recent email I received from a woman seeking help through this website:

Dear Joseph,

Good Afternoon! I hope this e-mail finds you and your family doing well. Well I attempted to attend the services of the Word Alive Christian Center this know, as long as I have lived in this area and thought I knew it, I for some reason could not find the church. After a bout of frustration I remembered a church that a friend had spoken about and decided not to let the devil win because I had not found the other church so I decided to attend this other church's services. The church name is "Living Faith Christian Center"...I was quite impressed with their service and I have been assigned a mentor, her name is Cathy. The services this morning were quite overwhelming...I was just a river of tears but I think that that is how God and his Word affect me...with tears. I was given a series of scriptures to start reading to help me "re-dedicate" my life to Christ. Some of the scriptures suggested were; Luke 18:1, 1Peter 2:2, Psalms 119:105, Luke 11:28, Mark 5:19, Hebrews 10:25, and Psalms 122:1. Today's services focused on becoming a "solider" and waging war against our enemy through God. Scriptures referenced today were Exodus 15:2-3, John 6:53-59, Galatians 5:16-18, and Mark 5:22-24. While I did not completely get everything that was written and said, I was able to ascertain a certain level of understanding. One piece of advice that was given to me by one of the members was that my "shyness" was really fear and that if I start slowly and dedicate myself I will become more confident and my "shyness" will start to dissipate. Very similar to what you have been saying to me this week. Also, I received e-mails from Mary and Susan, both expressing their praises for you and the help and guidance you have shown them. I plan on writing both of them back this evening. Thank you so much for extending my e-mail address to them. Ok, well enough for now...again I hope you and your family are having a blessed and safe weekend.

Talk soon...


PS - FYI - Again the church I attended today was the LIVING FAITH

CHRISTIAN CENTER"...Their website is

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