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Knowledge Is Power

Joseph has joined the chat.
Joseph has joined the chat.
[Joseph] *welcome*
brat02 has joined the chat.
[Joseph] Hello brat02
[Joseph] How are you?
[brat02] Why do you take your time to do this?
[Joseph] Because I was once in trouble.
[Joseph] And want to help.
[brat02] did someone help you
[Joseph] No. I had to learn it the hard way.
[brat02] sorry, but you must be a strong person
[Joseph] Trials in life do develop you.
[brat02] i guess
[Joseph] It doesn't matter how I learned it, I did and can live to tell it.
[Joseph] What is the toughest part of life for you at this time.
[brat02] being awake
[Joseph] I see.
[Joseph] Life can get scary.
[brat02] not really scary, just old
[Joseph] I see. You've realized that life is empty...
[Joseph] empty unless you know God.
[brat02] i like to believe that i do know God
[brat02] i just don't know what he has me here for
[Joseph] Do you apply His Word to your life?
[brat02] i try really hard
[Joseph] Have you read 'The Purpose Driven Life'?
[brat02] no. but it has been suggested. i don't read much.
[Joseph] Rick Warren answers that question.
[Joseph] Knowledge is power. Reading is good.
[brat02] i know, i try but usually end up going into a daze or sleeping instead.
[Joseph] True, reading can have that affect.
[Joseph] Do you work?
[brat02] yes
[Joseph] At?
[brat02] computer company
[Joseph] Good. What do you do there?
[brat02] engineer
[Joseph] Very good. You're educated.
[brat02] maybe that is the problem
[Joseph] God has been gracious to you.
[brat02] yes, he has.
[Joseph] True. Being smart means you have more questions.
[Joseph] Who have you sought answers from?
[brat02] it also means you see things in people that others might overlook
[Joseph] True. So true. Also, more responsiblity comes with it.
[Joseph] To whom much is given, much is required." Famous verse.
[brat02] i have a hard time living up to that
[Joseph] What do you see in others?
[brat02] the darkness, gossip, jealousy, contempt.
[Joseph] Good.
[Joseph] At least you see it.
[Joseph] People are sheep. they follow each other.
[brat02] i have no right to judge others but i can't help what i see
[brat02] that's my line
[Joseph] Seeing it is one thing, but as soon as you pick up the stone, they have dragged you into their sin.
[Joseph] Don't judge - it's self-defeating.
[brat02] i know, i don't gossip and pray for them but they still affect me
[Joseph] They don't have to if you have peace.
[brat02] i don't have peace
[Joseph] Nothing matters if you have peace.
[Joseph] God wants you to have peace.
[Joseph] Have you come to God in your life?
[brat02] god called me
[Joseph] All right.
[Joseph] When.
[brat02] 8 yrs ago
[Joseph] What were the circumstances?
[brat02] when my son was baptized 13 yrs ago the rev. invited me to return any time and one day i got up and dressed my son and took him
[brat02] i don't know why really
[Joseph] Great.
[Joseph] How was it?
[brat02] it was the happiest day of my life
[Joseph] How did it affect you?
[Joseph] How did it alter your life?
[brat02] i accomplished something on my own and felt loved for the first time
[Joseph] Awesome. That's real good.
[Joseph] What church was it?
[brat02] a presbyterian church
[Joseph] I see. Did you kep going?
[brat02] i still go to church every week but not that one
[Joseph] Which chruches has your walk with God brought you to?
[brat02] another pres. church
[brat02] its only my second church
[Joseph] Do you know that choosing the right church can mean the difference between life an death?
[brat02] no
[Joseph] It's true. Christians take their life all the time. Why is that do you think?
[brat02] i have no idea
[Joseph] The enmy of their soul knows where they are weak and sets up an attack.
[Joseph] An attack that can't be beaten.
[Joseph] By what they currently know. Remember, knowledge is power.
[brat02] right
[Joseph] If you are weak, you must find out where your blind spots are.
[Joseph] And then guard them.
[brat02] do you believe that you go to hell if you commit suicide
[Joseph] Yes, in some cases.
[Joseph] If I succeeded 3 years ago, I think I might have went to heaven.
[Joseph] Not sure though.
[brat02] isn't it possible that some times maybe that is what God means for us.
[Joseph] Never.
[Joseph] God is about LIFE.
[Joseph] John 10:10 proves it.
[Joseph] Does your church teach faith?
[brat02] yes, i just don't think i can apply it very well
[Joseph] If you want we can talk on the phone.
[brat02] i hate talking on the phone
[Joseph] I used to too.
[Joseph] I studdered.
[brat02] you don't anymore
[Joseph] No.
[Joseph] A bit.
[Joseph] If I'm tired.
[brat02] is that why you suffered from anxiety
[Joseph] No. I studdered because I had anxiety, but both I guess.
[brat02] i have anxiety
[Joseph] God wants to give you perfect peace.
[brat02] medication makes me worse
[Joseph] Meds only work for so long. It's a bandaid.
[brat02] i know, i hate meds. its a treatment not the cure
[Joseph] Meds buy you time until you find out what the real problem is.
[brat02] i know what the problem is, i just want it all to stop
[Joseph] So does God.
[brat02] the cowards way is to not deal with the challanges in life but it would be so much easier
[brat02] i'm just tired
[Joseph] Anxiety will wear you down.
[brat02] where is the peace, how did you get there?
[Joseph] Faith produces peace.
[Joseph] When you know you are reacting
[brat02] what am i doing wrong
[Joseph] The way God would have you react that produces confidence.
[Joseph] I can show you. It just takes longer with email.
[Joseph] have you had any teaching on Satan?
[brat02] no
[Joseph] Well, ! Tim. 6:12 says, We fight the good fight of faith." Life for the Christian is a battle.
[Joseph] But it is a good fight, because we win.
[Joseph] I can show you where the enemy is having his foothold in your life.
[brat02] how
[Joseph] By listening to you. By examining how you respond to problems.
[Joseph] By checking your knowledge of spiritual basics.
[Joseph] By sending you tapes.
[Joseph] books, vcd's.
[Joseph] VHS
[Joseph] Knowledge is power. That's the only thing you're missing.
[brat02] actually i need to work on the basics i think i was sucked into work in my church without building my own foundation
[Joseph] Yes, that can easily happen. Do they have a discipleship program?
[Joseph] The greatest crime a church can commit is bring someone to Christ and then not teach them.
[brat02] i learn as i teach most times
[Joseph] 'A sermon a week does NOT keep the devil a way.
[brat02] i know
[Joseph] True.
[Joseph] It's in giving that you recieve.
[Joseph] But the Christian walk is such a convoluted life . You have to cover all the bases or your sunk.
[brat02] right
[Joseph] What bases have you not covered - that's the question.
[brat02] is forgiveness one
[Joseph] Absolutely.
[Joseph] What have you not forgiven?
[brat02] myself and some others in my life
[Joseph] Well, right there you've set up a neon sign saying "Devil ,come and get me."
[Joseph] Forgiveness takes faith.
[brat02] forgiveness is really hard
[Joseph] Do you actually believe that God forgives sinners?
[brat02] yes
[brat02] but i don't know how
[Joseph] Ok, so why would He not forgive you?
[brat02] i'm not worth his forgiveness
[Joseph] He forgives sinners based on the work that Jesus did on the cross.
[brat02] what have i done to deserve his forgiveness, nothing
[Joseph] Christ did the dirty work so you could go free. It's awesome.
[brat02] i don't deserve to go free
[Joseph] You CAN'T do anything to deserve His forgiveness. So quit trying to deseve it.
[brat02] grace
[Joseph] It's His amazing grace.
[Joseph] Have sung that song?
[Joseph] Amazing Grace.
[brat02] my favorite
[Joseph] Look up that famous song and read the lyrics.
[brat02] i have
[Joseph] Then believe the message.
[Joseph] Do you see how it takes faith?
[brat02] yes
[Joseph] You are cut with the weapon in your hand, I mean you're guilty as sin. And yet...
[Joseph] And yet Christ holds out His blood stained hand and says I forgive you.
[Joseph] The deal isn't sealed until you place your hand into his.
[Joseph] It's faith.
[brat02] faith=peace
[Joseph] As long as you keep believing Satans lie that you aren't worthy, he's having a PARTY!
[Joseph] No faith, no peace.
[brat02] i will get the book you suggested
[Joseph] Faith is everything in life.
[Joseph] Good. Then tellme about it. :) I haven't read it all myself.
[brat02] are you serious?
[Joseph] Yes, sorry. Can you release the people who have hurt you?
[brat02] i guess if i have faith i will
[Joseph] That book is biggest thing to Christianity in a very long time.
[Joseph] It's been a mega hit for a couple of years now.
[Joseph] It's awesome. You can just release them even if they don't know they have hurt you.
[brat02] if God can forgive the people who hurt me so can i
[Joseph] True. I have a tape that will knock your socks off it talks about theis very thing. I can send it to you.
[Joseph] I've listened to this one tape maybe 30 times.
[brat02] i will get the book first
[Joseph] Ok. Do you see what you've done? You've judged them. They sinned, but guess whose paying for it? You are.
[Joseph] By you judging them, you fall into Satan's trap.
[brat02] i see that
[Joseph] Yes, they sinned. Observe it, pray for them, but don't you dare judge them. It's totally self-defeating.
[brat02] right, if you jugde them you become like them
[Joseph] EXACTLY!!!!!!
[Joseph] Well done, grasshopper. :)
[brat02] Thank you
[Joseph] No charge.
[brat02] you have a big payment waiting for you, you just don't know it yet
[Joseph] I hope so!!! It's getting sparce around here.
[Joseph] I'm between jobs right now.
[brat02] sorry to hear that
[Joseph] No problem. I'm fixing cars for now.
[brat02] i love cars
[Joseph] Cars are very cool, (to me).
[brat02] especially when they run
[brat02] do you like old cars
[Joseph] Yes, especially when they run. Old cars? I drive an 84 Topaz, but I think you mean OLD.
[brat02] 70's muscle cars
[Joseph] I'm not into OLD cars. I like keeping older cars going. It's a challenge. No, I'm not into muscle cars.
[Joseph] I just like fixing them.
[brat02] a hobbie you can make money at, what could be better
[Joseph] Yes, it is nice. I am blessed. ACtually it's great. I listen to teaching tapes all day and come here at night and dispense my kn
[Joseph] knowledge.
[brat02] i will pray that you get a job you want and deserve
[Joseph] Thank you very much. I'm in St. Catharines ONtario Canada, and one of my agents mentioned a job up in Montreal.
[Joseph] Mayber that'll be the one.
[brat02] i will pray that it is
[Joseph] Thanks. My wife says, "I don't care if the job is in Alaska!!!"
[brat02] LOL
[Joseph] Such is life.
[brat02] I have to go now. Thank you for everything. I will be back soon to talk about the book.
[Joseph] Alright. Have a very merry Christmas. You've been given a great gift. Forgiveness.
[brat02] yes i have and i won't take it for granted. Merry Christmas and God bless you and your family.
[Joseph] Thanks. Take care. -J
brat02 has left the chat.
