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Suicidal Triggers

Dear friend, it is my hope that something written below will help you identify areas in your life that may be causing you emotional distress. It is God's will that you walk through this life in perfect peace, therefore any time you feel anxious you know that some situation in your life needs tending to. Here are three triggers so far.

The Mindset That Tells You That You Have Exhausted All Your Good Fortune
This trigger came up in a recent email from somebody, and I write about it first because it was the trigger that sent me to the psychiatric ward of two hospitals.

In life we will make mistakes, plain and simple. Because of upbringing, some of us will make more poor choices than others. And God knows this. And He does not hold it against you when you make a poor choice. It hurts Him to see you go in the wrong direction, and to see how your poor choice affected those around you, but He does let that prevent Him from forgiving you if you ask Him to. And this is where the focal point is. As time unfolds, we finally see just how bad our choices have affected us, that we right ourselves off as unfit to live. The truth is none of us do enough good to justify our existence on earth. It is purely God's grace that allows us to live and breathe. And as long as He is giving us life, He is holding out His hand to receive us to Himself in right relationship with Him. But it starts by us taking the first step. There is a good example of this in Luke 15 where Jesus tells us the story about a prodigal son, who finally makes his way back to His forgiving and rejoicing father. The son confessed to His father that he was not worthy to called his son, but only wanted the role of a servant. But his father, said to his servants, "Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found." Dear friend, this is kind of welcome waiting for you, should you decide to come to God for help in your life. You may be thinking of ending your life, when in actuality you are already dead, according to the passage above. Why not make a decision, while there is still opportunity, to choose life. Your death would make a big impact, larger than you could imagine. A good example of this is seen in the timeless movie, "It's A Wonderful Life". One life has so much value. Life is a gift given to us by God, and He wants to show you what He can do for someone who is willing to completely trust Him with their lives. Why not transfer the responsibility of your life off of your shoulders and place it on the shoulders of someone is well able to bear it and work with it, and make it into something beautiful for all the world to see. Do you feel you have exhausted all of God's plans to bring you happiness and success? You haven't. You just can't see them. Let God prove to you that He has not only 'Plan A', or 'Plan B' but a 'Plan C' and a Plan D, and so on. Remember who you are dealing with....God - the one who can create this whole world out of nothing. Surely He has a new plan for you. Will you step out in faith to an unseen God who is waiting with outstretched arms? I hope you will today. Please contact me if you need help.

The Mindset That Tells You That You Will Never Be Happy Without This Person
Many times, at Christmas especially, we reflect on loved ones whom we have lost through death or separation and it makes think that we could never be truly happy again without that person. Don't fall for that mindset. While there is a feeling of loss, and rightly so as each person has immense value, God is directing us to look to Him for support during those grieving times. The following is an excerpt from a sermon my pastor preached this month. It is about a story of a minister who gave some helpful advice to a grieving mother. Here it is: A miserable woman recognized F. B. Meyer, who was famous preacher from a by-gone era. She recognized him on a train and ventured to share her burden. She said to him, "For years she cared for her crippled daughter, who brought great joy to her life. She made tea for her every morning, and she went to work every day knowing that in the evening the daughter would be there when she arrived home. But the daughter passed away and left a grieving mother alone and miserable. "Home wasn't home anymore." she said. Meyer said, "When you get home today, and you put the key in the door, say aloud, "Jesus, I know you're in here." and be ready to greet him when you go through the door. And as you light the fire, tell Him everything that happened to you during the day. If anybody was kind to you, tell Him. If anybody was unkind to you, let him know, just as you would have told your daughter. And at night stretch out your hand in the dark and say, "Jesus, I know your here." The woman left Meyer and some months later their paths crossed again, but He did not recognize this woman, whose face was bouncing toward him on the pavement. Her face radiated joy and not announcing anymore misery. "I did what you said!", she said. And it has made all the difference in my life, because Jesus and I, I feel like I finally know him".

My friend, no body said life was going to be easy, but when you include God in your life, He has an amazing way making even the hardest of experiences go easy. Alone, life can get overwhelming. But with Christ, nothing is too difficult. Do you miss a loved one. Don't despair. I have good news for you! You may miss them, but you don't need them to be happy! That's the good news! Share you pain with God, and watch Him put new people in your path, and you will have shifted gear, and soon be in the passing lane of life once more. Take heart. Grow from this human experience. And then share that experience with someone else who needs to hear this message. May your new adventure with God begin today!

The Mindset That Tells You That God Is Punishing You For The Bad Things You Have Done
This has to be the biggest misunderstanding amongst religious people. People have an easy time believing in God, but they fail to realize that there is a devil that is trying to steal there happiness, their finances, their health, their relationships and so on. Consequently, God gets a bad reputation, when it wasn't He that is at fault. The truth is God loves you very much and proved it by sending us His Word - the Bible. And who is the Word? It is Jesus. God took his Word and clothed it in human form, and the result was Jesus Christ, as stated in John 1:14. For this to become real to us, we need to meditate on these truths until they become real in our hearts. Just like marinating a piece of meat produces a flavourable meal, by you saturating yourself in God's truth, produces joy and peace. And it comes without you even trying hard. It happens day by day, a little each day, by playing a teaching tape, reading a good teaching book, speaking with people who have a strong faith, going to church, etc. until you realize that God is indeed for you, and wants to bless you.
