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"Without faith it is impossible to please God."  (Heb.11:6)

The attribute of faith is a marvelous tool. It enables you to roll your problems over to God, and thus, frees you up to enjoy life while you wait for God to move on your behalf. If you are one who has a tendency to worry, I would strongly recommend you look into the benefits of faith. Having said that, even if you do not struggle with worry or anxiety, I would still recommend you develop a strong faith, because sooner or later you will need it. Sooner or later, you or someone close to you will get into trouble, and you will need a strong faith to bring you through the situation successfully. Life is just like that. You can't avoid problems in this life, and the time to learn about faith is not while you are in a crisis, the time to learn faith is during the easy times, so that you are ready when the crisis come. Think of it as a savings account at the bank. A wise person sees into the future certain financial responsibilities, and plans for them systematically. A wise person also realizes that unexpected expenses may come up, and therefore sets aside finances for those occasions. That way when the need presents itself, he just writes the check, and the problem is over. Faith is the same way. When problems come your way, faith allows you to sail through them, unscathed emotionally. Everybody else won't be able to understand why you are coping so well, but it is because you were prepared for it. Faith makes life easy and thus I strongly recommend that you make the pursuit of strong faith a daily habit in your life.

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