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"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free!"
John 8:32

Circumstances take place in our lives that cause us to believe lies. These lies tell us that circumstances cannot be changed, habits cannot be broken, loved ones will never change, and so on. The antidote to these lies is truth. Behind every problem in our lives is a truth that can set us free emotionally from the problem. The problem may still be there, but the hold it has on us is gone, so in essence we are free and at peace.

Although liberating truth is the same for all people, it is different aspects of the truth that each individual must focus on to find freedom. That is because each hurting person has their own set of lies that have been restricting them. This website will open your eyes to the lies you may be believing that have caused you to live below your full potential. Below are some of the more common lies that cause us emotional pain. Allowing yourself to believe there is truth in any of the following statements will hold you captive in sadness and stress. Here they are:

1) I need to look a certain way to be happy, accepted and successful.
Your looks have absolutely nothing to do with how you feel on the inside. This is proven by the fact that there are many not so good looking people who are happy and successful. And there are many good looking people who are unhappy. To find how to be set free from this lie, click here.

2) I need to act a certain way to be happy, accepted and successful.
Many people who have hidden anxiety will find themselves having to put on a mask, in order to make it through the day. They don't realize that they can identify what the triggers are that are causing there anxiety, and then learn how to just relax and let their personality unfold naturally without them trying so hard.

3) Nobody would want to be my friend.
You may find it hard to associate with people in your present state of mind, but you can find God's peace, which will allow you to relax in front of others, and be open to people that He will place on your path with whom you can find friendship. You can also learn ways of fine tuning your people skills. 

4) I need to have a lover to be happy.
You may want to find a person with whom you would like to spend the rest of your life, but what do you do in the mean time? No need to be depressed, and then 'smother' the next person who shows any kind of interest in you. No, you can find peace right now. This will help you enjoy the journey to finding Mr. Right or Mrs. Right, and then once meeting a person will help you stay relaxed until you are sure this is the right person for you.

5) I could never be good enough to be somebody's lover.
You may feel inadequate right now in what you feel you can bring into a relationship, but that can all change once you have peace and confidence. A relationship with God can totally change your life giving you the attractive qualities you need to win that special someone.

6) I could never be happy with my spouse.
When you have God's peace, you will be able to live happily with anybody. It is your loving, peaceful, respectful approach to life that will set the tone, and bring you success in your present relationship.

I could never be happy in my job.
You may feel you need to find a different job to be happy, but what do you do in the mean time? No need to be depressed in your present job. You can find peace now by learning how to respond properly to situations in your present job. This will help you enjoy the job you are presently in, and allow you to present a positive image when being interviewed for future job opportunities.

8) I'll never progress past the level of success I now have, or did have.
You may feel the hardships of life may have stripped you of your self-confidence, sabotaging you in your pursuit of success in your employment, but don't believe that lie. God can completely change you from the inside out and bring you amazing success, even right where you are in your present job. Look to Him and apply His principles in your life. Begin today.

9) I'll never have what it takes to be gainfully employed.
You may feel that the hurts of life have so crippled you in your emotions that you could never make it in the work world, but don't believe that lie. You can learn how to disarm your anxieties and become master of your own life, instead of the other way around. God calls us to be 'more than conquerors in Christ'. (See Romans 8:37)

I'll never be truly happy again.
You may feel life has so battered you that you could never find happiness, but don't fall for that lie. You can bring your past hurts to God with the help of good counsellor and resolve those hurts once and for all. Then go and enjoy the rest of your life. All things are possible with God, and His principles for happiness are easier to apply than you may think. Think 'outside the box'. See yourself as completely healed by God, and let the journey begin today.

11) God doesn't love me.
That is exactly what the enemy of our souls would like us to believe, but don't fall for that lie. Believe the truth, God does love you, and has great plans for you. His mercy is new every morning and He is waiting for you to come to Him. Begin to apply His Word to your life until the truth sinks in.

I need money or things to be happy.
That is what the world system would have you believe, but don't believe it. When you have peace you something of more value than money or things. When you have peace, what needs you do have will come to you automatically without you trying so hard. And you will have some left over in which to help others.

13) I need to be loved and accepted to be happy.
When you have peace and confidence, you don't need anyone to affirm your value and appreciation. It's nice to have it, but people's affections for us are often times fickle and can easily slip away from us. Don't lean on people's affection for your self-worth, lean on God's unwavering love and commitment to you. Then you will be a rock that can not be shaken.

14) I'll never be healed physically.
Don't believe this lie. Reaffirm to yourself God's desire to see your body healed. Look up scripture verses that prove this out and stand on them with your faith until your healing manifests itself. Develop your faith, for it is faith that gets God's attention, not repetitive prayers.

15) I could never be happy without this person.
When we are in love and we happen to lose this person, it can seem that you could never be happy again, but don't believe that lie. God wants to show you how close He can be to you if you will only just place your attention on Him instead of your loss. You will be surprised how quickly life can seem bright again. Life is too precious to stay down for extended periods of time.

Once these lies, or any of the other lies you may be believing have been exposed, we can offer you truths that can be used to counteract the lies. As you take time to meditate on these truths, you will reach a point where the truths become more real to you than the lies, and you will be completely free in that part of your life. The essence of the truth that I use to help people, is that which is taught in the Bible. If you are more comfortable with some other Higher Power, that is up to you. I have found that no other book teaches more about truth, and the other two ingredients faith and love, which are necessary in producing true peace. And it is this pervading peace that is the antidote for all fear and anxiety. The rate at which you recover from anxiety and depression is determined by you. The more you practice the principles taught on this website the sooner you will experience lasting peace and happiness.

Feel free to email us and tell us which lies appear to be hindering you at this time.

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